Years before I even had a baby, I had it in my mind that I would breastfeed my children. My mom breastfed me (for an embarrassingly long time, as I have MEMORIES of breastfeeding...ha,) and my four older siblings, so I just always planned on doing the same for my future kids. However, when I found out that I was having twins, one of the first thoughts that came to mind was, "how on earth am I going to breastfeed TWO babies?" I spent countless hours, before the twins were even born, worrying about milk supply, nursing positions, baby formulas brands, bottle feeding, you name it, I worried about it. I watched twin breastfeeding videos, and I read several books about breastfeeding, tandem feeding, increasing your supply, etc. So, if you're pregnant with twins and have stumbled upon this article, maybe, just maybe, it will save you some time and answer some of your breastfeeding questions.
Sometimes when I tell people I feed the twins at the same time, they just look at me with their head spinning trying to figure out how that works. So, I figured I should explain how I tandem breastfeed, and what has worked well for me and the twins.
To tandem feed, I put my Twin Z Pillow right in the middle of our king size bed and lay the babies (on the bed) next to each side of the pillow. Then, I carefully climb into bed myself. Once I get myself positioned, I scoop up each baby and get them positioned on the pillow. They will be in "football hold" with their heads towards the front, facing your breasts, and their bodies/legs more towards the back of the pillow underneath your armpits. I like to have their arms and hands up by my breasts. I then latch the “more difficult to latch” baby first, and then the other. Eventually, the twins got so good at breastfeeding that I didn't have to help them latch at all, I just get them both on the pillow and they handle the rest.
Grab anything you need, phone, water, and snacks, etc. Keep them close by, eventually you will be able to do extra things on top of feed two babies at the same time! Crazy, right? Women are truly amazing.
Pillows, pillows, pillows. Use a pillow or two positioned under your TwinZ Pillow to allow for you to be in a comfortable nursing position that allows the babies to have easy access to your breasts. Bring the babies to your breasts, not your breasts to the babies, that is unless you enjoy seeing your chiropractor every week to readjust your neck and back. Ouch!
If you are on the fence about wether to tandem feed or feed your twins one at a time, the biggest thing to think about is your TIME! If you are an expecting twin mom who is leaning towards feeding one baby at a time, you may end up feeling like you are never NOT nursing. That being said, tandem feeding is also NOT for everyone, and may not work well for every mom and/or baby(ies). BUT, if you can figure out how to make tandem feeding work for you and your babies, it will save you hours upon hours of time feeding babies, and it will insure your babies are on the same exact eating schedule since mealtimes will be together. My biggest advice to jumpstart successful tandem breast-feeding is getting them latched and feeding within an hour after they are born. That first hour of life on earth us crucial. To my NICU mommas: I hear you and my heart goes out to you, as breastfeeding can be a challenge if your twins arrive early and require special care.
From night ONE the nurses in the hospital told me the twins were starting to lose weight (to be expected, it is normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their birth weight in those early days while your milk is coming in) and that I would have to start pumping after EVERY FEED. So, for the first 3 or so weeks I would breastfeed the twins, immediately followed by pumping. The goal behind all this pumping (10+ times a DAY in those early weeks!) was because milk production works by SUPPLY and DEMAND, in other words, when you add additional stimulation by pumping and fully draining your breasts after a breastfeeding session, your body goes "oh, shoot, make more milk!!," therefore, (hopefully) boosting your supply. Newborns in those early days are not always very efficient at draining your breasts, so pumping out anything they leave behind will help your body make more in those early days to meet their growing milk need as their little stomach is able to handle more and more milk at each feeding. In addition to providing your little ones with all their nutritional needs, its nice to have a milk supply that allows you to even have a little extra milk to add to a freezer stash! Keep in mind, that the first few months is the most important time to increase your supply (if you need to do so). After about 12 weeks your supply is usually well established. So, there is an end to all the pumping, I promise!
After about 4-6 weeks of doing this, I started slowly taking out some of the pumping sessions (the night ones I took out first because hello, I would rather be sleeping than pumping, thanks!), until I would just pump right after their first morning feed (this is actually what I still do every morning!)
There are several things that can cause a decrease in supply, from not getting enough to eat, to dehydration, to exercise, to babies eating patterns changing, etc. For me, personally, the times I noticed changes in supply was during developmental leaps where the babies had a loss of appetite for a few days, and when the babies started sleeping through the night and were no longer "demanding" milk during the nighttime hours. Remember, milk production works by supply and depend, so if the demand for milk decreases, then so does the supply.
To combat a supply drop make sure 1. you have an adequate calorie intake for you AND for feeding TWO babies (you need about 1000 extra calories a day when breastfeeding twins,) 2. you are drinking a LOT of water, 3. pump several times a day (or in extreme cases consider power pumping).
There comes a point in time when your newborn is no longer newly-born, and is now more intrigued by everything going on in their surroundings. Suddenly, your boobs are not their whole world anymore, and the artwork on the walls, or the TV playing in the background, or the trees outside the window are SO MUCH COOLER than breastfeeding. Here are my tips and tricks on how to breastfeed an easily distracted baby:
If you normally tandem feed, don't. Just breastfeed one at a time and give all your focus to that baby.
Breastfeed alone (or with your *quiet* partner nearby) in a dimly lit room.
Either breastfeed in silence, or with a sound machine. When the twins would be distracted AND fussy at the boob, I would break out the white noise to settle them and get them to focus.
Hold their hand(s) or let them hold onto some (non-stimulating) object.
Try different nursing positions, even standing up and gently rocking your baby.
The first week with the twins we saw a lactation consultant several times and she suggested the CHEAP $1 Parent's Choice bottles from Walmart. That worked great (for awhile, if they start getting crappy on you, just buy more, they're $1!!!). In my opinion they are similar to a Dr. Browns bottle in terms of the shape of the nipple. We also used the Spectra bottles that came with my breast pump. I personally would NOT recommend any bottle if it in-NO-way-shape-or-form resembles YOUR nipples. Try to find a bottle that is as similar to your unique shape as possible.
Twin-Z Feeding Pillow– Not only can The Twin Z pillow be used for tandem breastfeeding, but it can also be used in many other ways as well! My husband used it to feed the twins a bottle at the same time. The Twin Z can also be used as an infant lounger, to help the babies learn how to sit up, and more!
Boppy Nursing Pillow – The most well-known and popular nursing pillow on the market. Great for feeding one baby at a time!
Nipple Cream – I used lanolin
Breast Pump – I have the Spectra 2 (the pink one) and it has done me proud.
Haakaa – a little hand held breast pump/milk catcher. When feeding only one baby at a time, I use it for the breast I am not feeding on to catch a let down.
Silverette – silver nipple covers that help heal dry, cracked, over-worked nipples. Silver also has anti-bacterial properties!
Bamboobies – reusable breast pads>disposable pads. I suggest getting the OVERNIGHT version if you are a heavy leaker!
Nursing Bra – Target does it again. When I am just at home or for sleeping I love the Auden sleep bras. I also love the Auden sports bras and regular bras.
With Love,